Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.The journey has come to an end. There is only one mission left: to defeat Manjappa. Warden, the Promethean AI, has sent the Firewall team to Mars to track down and confront Manjappa, the author of Know Evil. Manjappa isn’t willing to go down without a fight though. Can they survive the final battle and even so, what will happen to them after the mission is completed? Everyone must face up to the decisions they’ve made over the course of their investigation. Find out what happens to Bartleby, Preston, SAIROC, Gerard, Quoth, and Fei Yin!

We here at RPPR would like to thank the listeners for their enthusiasm, comments, and emails about Know Evil. It was a great campaign that we all enjoyed playing and we hope you enjoyed as well! The Know Evil Fan Creation Contest officially ends on May 10. More Eclipse Phase is coming, but we have some great new campaigns in the works now:

Our next campaign is an Iron Heroes campaign called the Fortunes of War. It follows the saga of a group of soldiers turned merchants as they try to fulfill their destinies during a war along the Silk Road . After that, we have a Night’s Black Agents campaign called the Tribes of Tokyo – a group of security experts uncovers a horrific vampire conspiracy in the seedy underbelly of the city. Stay tuned!

Download a high resolution image of the Know Evil Poster.

Bartleby, known as Proxy Zealot in Firewall.  “I'm afraid I can't explain myself, sir. Because I am not myself, you see?” In the penultimate episode of  the Know Evil campaign, the Firewall team heads to earth to find out the truth behind Manjappa’s plan. Running the blockade of kill satellites surrounding the planet is dangerous enough, but how long can they last on the surface? Will they do what it takes to discover the truth and stop Manjappa or will they falter in their quest? Everything is coming to an end, but before the team can confront the author of the Know Evil virus, they must first make a decision that will alter history forever!

AND THEN JOHN WAS A SKELETONNot all skills in Call of Cthulhu are created equally, but this scenario totally justifies the existence of the red-headed stepchild of skills, Operate Heavy Machinery. Marvel at how a group of intrepid blue collar workers fight off the horrors of the mythos through the clever and frequent use of heavy machinery.

Also, as a special bonus for the few of you who actually read the comments, listen to this previously unreleased AP of Fiasco with RJ And Cody!

Preston Crowley, uplift octopus, socialite, media darling, Mercurial extremist, and master of the bladeThe Firewall Team awakens on Earth, much to their chagrin. They have been placed in a covert bunker under the streets of Tokyo, sleeved in what morphs were available. Tasked with retrieving an AGI from a Tokyo museum, the team must cross the exsurgent infected ruins of earth’s largest city.  Given the insidious and alien nature of the TITANs, anything can be a deadly trap. Can the team survive the countless threats and complete the mission objective? Why is the AGI so important? Find out all this and more in this episode of Know Evil!

Smoking moon rocks only gets me to normal :\Delta Green was not always an illegal conspiracy within the US government. Back in 1969, it was still a legal conspiracy (at least for most of the year). A group of agents must investigate the theft of 10 pounds of moon rocks from a secure government facility. Can this disparate group of soldiers and investigators figure out who stole the rocks and why? More importantly, can they stop the thieves from completing their plan? Find out in Drew’s first game as GM!