hi_pce_37196915_pce-229The campaign goes full circle! Only a few of the original team survived from their initial investigation of a murdered priest, but after a long and harrowing journey, they have returned to the Pearl of the Orient. Now they know what the cult to the Crawling Chaos plans, at least to some degree, but can the heroes find the location of their secret lair? The occult is not the only threat – gangsters, spies, revolutionaries, and corrupt cops also pose a risk. Furthermore, the Yithians have received what they want – without their aid, the investigators are in more danger than ever. Will Shanghai swallow up our stalwart fighters of the unknown? Find out as the last chapter of Masks begins!

dragon-likeMonster of the Week is a PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) system game that emulates TV shows like Supernatural, X-Files, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It encourages collaboration between players and GM so this particular game is set in a small town in New Mexico called Taos. Dwight, a Professional from Tartarus Inc. an esoteric-security firm, Tué, a Spell-Slinger, and William, an Expert in the occult, team up to investigate a series of strange events. It begins with teenagers burned to cinders outside of town, but who knows where this mystery will lead to?

This episode’s art was taken from a public domain book. Click here to see more, but the images have spoilers for this AP, so be warned!

Also, this is Shaun’s first posted AP! This is a different player than the guy in Masks of Nyarlathotep.

great_race_of_yith___2014_edition_by_pahapasi-d73dei6Aided by their new Yithian ally, the investigators have cornered the cultists of the Crawling Chaos! Now they must defeat them and possibly rescue the captured prisoners held by the cult. Even if they get past the fanatical cultists, the leader, a brilliant scientist and sorcerer, awaits in the depths of the Great City, tampering with cosmic forces. Is the end of their long struggle? What is the cult’s ultimate plan? Find out in this exciting episode!

yithian__keeper_of_the_great_library_by_moonxels-d5nrc3eThe ruins of the Great City of Pnaktous await! The investigators have learned that the cult of the Crawling Chaos is excavating the ancient city for reasons unknowable, but to thwart the cult, the heroes will chase them to the ends of the earth. Exploring the depths of this inhuman city is not without its own dangers, aside from the cultists. Strange artifacts, hazardous ruins, and terrifying monsters lurking in the darkness. Perhaps the team will find aid in the most likely of allies though…

dread-moon-v2In the near future, Elon Musk will build a base on the Moon and then open it up for tourism. The first batch of moon tourists (chosen by raffle of course) find out that not all is well in Moonbase Alpha, despite the best efforts of the corporate sponsors. Each of the seven tourists has a secret agenda of course, agendas worth killing for. Who will live? Who will betray the others? Find out in our special Halloween one shot run by guest GM, Ethan and with a new guest player, Eric!