In the grim dark Mega Depression, there are only trains and hobos who ride them. A murderous train conductor kills any hobo he finds on his train, but a motley crew of rail riders is determined to get to the end of the line. As they die one by one from Emperor Shack’s hammers, chains, and other instruments of death, can one survive long enough to claim the crown?

A group of Firewall agents has been asked to investigate a hidden research facility deep in the Martian wastelands. What secrets lie buried beneath the soil? This is another run of the scenario I first ran for a different group of RPPR cast members. I thought it would be fun to explore how a different set of players would tackle the same story. If you like the idea, please let me know and we can record more alternate versions of the same adventure.

A group of Delta Green agents have been dispatched to investigate a person who was flagged by an automated monitoring system. The target has an unusual medical history, one that apparently merits a look by the Program. Why has a brain scan worried the leadership of Delta Green? The answer lies in a remote cabin in the wilderness of Alaska.

It is five years later, during the Reign of Terror. The survivors of the raid on the Comte’s mansion are thrown into a conspiracy, where spies and agents seek out those who would destabilize the new regime. Caught amongst the chaos and dangers of Paris, the way must be found to stop a nightmare that would plunge France and the rest of Europe into darkness.

A time of struggle, intrigue, and horror. A divided country, where the upper class enjoys the bounty of wealth, and the poor cannot afford a loaf of bread. Where the cries of anger and rage at life’s injustices find momentum, sparking the people to unite and cast away the old regime for a brighter and more hopeful tomorrow. Amid the stirrings of the revolution, sees a group of soldiers descend into the catacombs of Paris and brave the tribulations of courtly life, where debauchery and wickedness bring their own terrors.