The Ska Band cabal schemes to help a cinemancer gain three major charges, magick powerful enough to change reality. The Ska Band will take one charge if successful, a necessary component for their own quest. But they cannot use magick to complete the scheme, which involes getting people to fall in love, find a new purpose in life, and overcome their own darkest fears. It also involves Long Horse, a mysterious cryptid and harbinger of doom. Is this such a good idea?

Cast: Bill as Nate a Phonomancer (a new custom adept school)
David as Cici, a Vestomancer
Greg as Glenn, a Dpsomancer
and Ross as the GM

Long Horse created by Trevor Henderson.

The Ska Band heads to New Harmony Indiana, where an odd movie production is underway. A wealthy and eccentric filmmaker is making a movie but seems to have a secret agenda. The cabal realizes that in order to summon the river boat they need, they must find out what the director is up to, which means joining the production.

Cast: Bill as Nate a Phonomancer (a new custom adept school)
David as Cici, a Vestomancer
Greg as Glenn, a Dpsomancer
and Ross as the GM

In 1970, a group of Delta Green veterans band together to steal documents from their own government. Delta Green has been shut down as an official agency, but to the veterans, the war goes on. They have resorted to using the weapons of the enemy, in the form of a hyperdimensional gate, but will it be enough?

Recorded at Gen Con 2019

Adam Scott Glancy – GM
Ross as Jim Kyle
Aaron as Mark Payne
Jason as Robert Elswit
Maddy as Mark Bridges
Arthur as Donald Meeker
Brownie as Lenoard Bastion

the piasa birdAlpha and Omega, O almighty God, the beginning of all things, without beginning, the ending without an end, hear today my prayers, O most holy one, neither repay me according my iniquity nor my sins, O Lord, my God, but according to your mercy, which is greater than all things visible and invisible…(The Ska Band frees the Piasa Bird, a terrestrial angel, thus angering the cult keeping it captive. Also, magical raw milk is involved)

Cast: Bill as Nate a Phonomancer (a new custom adept school)
David as Cici, a Vestomancer
Greg as Glenn, a Dpsomancer
and Ross as the GM

The Ska Band cabal needs to summon an angel to bless a divining rod. Fortunately they know of a nearby cult that specializes in summoning angels (located next to a giant cross). The cult leader is willing to help if only the cabal can help them locate a missing member of the congregation and the fortune in bitcoin they had on a USB drive…

Cast: Bill as Nate a Phonomancer (a new custom adept school)
David as Cici, a Vestomancer
Greg as Glenn, a Dpsomancer
and Ross as the GM