dark-young-webThe Boston side quest continues! After learning about a meeting between two cultists, the investigators realize they have a chance to kill an old foe. In order to stop him, they’ll have to case his hideout, figure out a plan of attack, and execute it without incident. Of course, no plan survives initial contact with reality. What tricks does their foe have up his sleeve? Hint: sometimes you don’t see the forest for the giant monster pretending to be a tree.

SenseNews: We have a new Kickstarter up for an adventure for Base Raiders. Check out Boiling Point!

The journey of the dreamers has finally reached its end. They have returned to the waking world, but their nightmares have only begun. For one, they awake in a mental asylum far from home. It soon becomes clear that the dreamers must return to the start of their journey, to the Peach Blossom Restaurant in New York City. They have been changed forever, but they will not rest until vengeance is theirs. Find out what happens in the campaign finale of The Sense of the Sleight of Hand Man!

© Teun Voeten,  New York 1994/1995/1996  In the tunnel of the Amtrak Rail Road under Riverside Park in Manhattan, some thirty homeless people have taken refuge. The oldest resident has been down for some twenty years, others moved in a few years agoAaron is back in the GM chair as he takes the RPPR crew through the dark tunnels under New York City! A community of homeless citizens have banded together in an abandoned section of the NYC subway system. They are protected by a mysterious cult of silver-masked acolytes who claim the dead for their own, but otherwise ensure that the homeless remain safe. But when an unnatural danger attacks the community and threatens everyone, several members of the community rise up to put a stop to it. They have little but their own lives to risk, but they won’t stop them from finding out what lurks in the dark heart of the city.

I was riding the rails before it was mainstreamIn this special one shot adventure, RJ returns as we try out Spirit of the Century, a pulp themed FATE engine RPG! The players are typical pulp heroes at a swanky New York City party, when dastardly murderhobos attack the shindig! It turns out that the secret homeless fighting societies of the city are fighting over a fabled grimoire of dirty fighting called Ars Pugilism and they seem to think the PCs have it. The heroes will have to get to the bottom of this mystery before the murderhobos tear the city apart!

This game system was the first RPG I ever played, so even though it hasn’t aged as gracefully as some games, I’m still fond of TMNT & Other Strangeness. So last year, I ran a 2 part game using this system, gleefully maintaining all the quirks of the Palladium rules. The players are all part of the mutant animal underground, living in the forgotten and abandoned parts of The Big Apple. Of course, trouble has a way of finding them…