46009517The trio of murderers are only digging themselves deeper as they try to cover up their crimes and figure out what to do with the money. Between drug dealers and crooked cops, can these bloodstained bumblers find a happy end? There’s only one way to find out!

this is totes Aaron's characterJoe Bilby was a bad man. Even his murderers underestimated how badly he deserved to die…until they found all that money in his office. The petty revenge of a deputy, an artist, and a country doctor has accidentally uncovered a criminal conspiracy undermining the entire town, and the snake’s nest is stirring. Many want to find the men responsible for Bilby’s death, but justice is the last thing they have in mind. Can the conspirators resist  temptation and scrutiny long enough to return to their regular lives? Or has their shared sin started a cycle of violence from which there is no escape? Find out in this A Dirty World mini-campaign featuring Aaron, David, and Tom.

In the transhuman future, rich jerks still build gaudy skyscrapers but on MARSIn the distant future, Mars is the home of transhumanity, while earth is a ruined wasteland. Most of the population are corporate wage slaves and are only placated by vapid entertainment produced by hypercorp-contracted celebrities. These musicians, actors, and athletes live under a system not unlike the Hollywood studio system of old. They have money, influence, and an adoring entourage of lackeys but they have little control over their own lives. Gossip bloggers and studio executives manipulate the stars like puppets. Paparazzi and obsessive fans stalk them night and day. However, a ticket on Dr. Felonious Nova’s Ark Ship out of the solar system has opened up. When you’re a nearly immortal but incredibly jaded and burned out executive or celebrity, a way out of the rat race and into annals of history as a hero is worth more than anything. The ticket will be given to someone at Dr. Nova’s party. Yes, this is a Dirty World game set in the Eclipse Phase universe. All hail RPG schizophrenia!

(ÒДÓױ)The murder of a certain rich man at his Long Island estate prompts an investigation which draws in an unlikely cast of characters. The sheriff, a gangster, and a fisherman find themselves caught up in a web of lies and scandal. Who’s the killer? Why did the sheriff deputize the fisherman? Some mysteries are too deep to be uncovered but perhaps this homicide during the Roaring Twenties can be solved. Find out who was behind the killing in this special one shot of A Dirty World!

War. War never changes. The victors always vandalize the statues. Always. After World War 2, the Allied Powers split Berlin into the East and West sides. Policing a ruined city after the most devastating war in history was no easy task. Black marketeering ran rampant. Opportunists exploited the German people when possible. In this chaotic mix, two women are murdered, both apparently by the same killer. Three groups of investigators find themselves forced to deal with the mystery; a pair of American military police, two Russian officers, and a few German criminals. Each have their own secret motives and few actually want to do the right thing for the victims. Can justice prevail in such a dirty world? Find out in this double length episode!