breakdown-RMAnother day, another job. The Brutalists get some help for their latest job, a mysterious driver named Drift. They will need his skills and car if they are going to have a chance to complete this job. The takers must travel to an overrun enclave, release the undead horde inside and herd them to a slaughterhouse, where they can be disposed of and their clothing processed into grime-cloth, the only fabric available for the poor now. There’s a long road ahead and countless hazards to navigate or demolish. There’s only one solution and that is apparently quoting Fury Road. Will it work? Find out!

red-markets-2The Brutalists are in the middle of their first job and it may be their last! What at first seemed like a simple closure job has turned into a nerve-wracking standoff between them, another group of survivors, and the government itself. Can the team negotiate peace between embittered military vets with sniper training and a ruthless black ops government wetworks operation? Will the precious technology discovered at the job site be recovered or destroyed, lost to humanity for all time? What architect will Ludwig quote next?  There’s only one way to find out!

burner4A woman, blood seeping through her suit, staggers to the door of Red-Talk Phones. A gun is in her hand. She is strong enough to yell out not to bother calling the police. She just needs a clean phone, a burner. It is coming and it would be better if it did not have more victims to attack. The employees of the strip mall huddle behind the counter of Red-Talk Phones.

Burner is a Delta Green scenario in which the PCs are civilians thrown into an Opera without warning. I used Fear Itself (a Gumshoe system) to playtest the engine because I thought it suited the scenario more and I wanted to introduce one of the players, Shaun, to Gumshoe.

Burner won second place in the 2015 Delta Green Shotgun Scenario contest. You can read all of the entries here, including the winner Die Nachtbruder.


prophet-hopeA group of gatecrashers are sent on a scouting mission to an exoplanet relatively near to our own solar system. The planet has favorable atmospheric conditions and life, but something is off about it. There seems to be a human settlement on the planet, one unknown to transhumanity. They have medieval technology but are otherwise healthy. Furthermore, there are strange four-legged beasts roaming the nearby wilderness. What secrets does this world hold? Is it a TITAN trap? No trace of their technology or the Exsurgent virus has been found, but who knows what secrets lie hidden, just waiting for the gatecrashers to find?

red-markets-posterThe Red Markets beta campaign has begun! This session covers enclave generation and the first job. In case you weren’t aware, Red Markets is a work-in-progress RPG created by Caleb. We discuss its creation in detail on the Game Designer Workshop series on RPPR. Set in the near future after a massive zombie infection has wiped out millions, the USA is divided into two regions: The Recession (mostly east of the Mississippi) and the Loss (the rest of the country). The undead have been cleared in the Recession, so the grueling work of rebuilding civilization has begun there. The Loss is still overrun with ‘casualties’, the new term for zombie. Still, communities of refugees band together in settlements called enclaves. Life in the enclaves depends on groups of desperate but armed survivors called Takers who risk life and limb to perform dangerous freelance jobs for pay. If you need something done in the Loss and you have the money, you hire a group of Takers to do it.

This campaign concerns a group of Takers called the Brutalists in the ruins of Chicago. In their first job, they must travel to a small dam far from the safety of their enclave. What secrets are hidden within the structure? Eager for work, the Takers agree to the job and head out, uncertain of what they will find…