atomic_robo_and_jenkins_by_firepunk626The scientists of Tesladyne may be on the run, but they are far from being defeated. The team must now find the other scientists in hiding and raid what caches and safe houses remain. Recruiting other employees in hiding, gathering resources, and conducting missions to find out who is targeting them is all part of the job!

dread-moon-v2In the near future, Elon Musk will build a base on the Moon and then open it up for tourism. The first batch of moon tourists (chosen by raffle of course) find out that not all is well in Moonbase Alpha, despite the best efforts of the corporate sponsors. Each of the seven tourists has a secret agenda of course, agendas worth killing for. Who will live? Who will betray the others? Find out in our special Halloween one shot run by guest GM, Ethan and with a new guest player, Eric!

THE-HOUND-OF-THE-ANGLESSponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure. We have one last stretch goal, a book on PISCES and the UK. Help us reach it!

Synopsis: Months after wiping out the Cult of the Nameless God, Delta Green is no closer to explaining what happened to the men of Working Group M. Whatever dark secrets the Wayfinder’s children initiated will remain forever locked away by death and a world of words. But M had effect on target. That’s all that matters to the Program…and it’s certainly all that matters to Sredni Vashtar.

Now, a mathematician working on a top-secret NSA surveillance program has disappeared into thin air. Group M has been sent to investigate. But when the hunting ground is as large as the mythos, even the servants of a god can turn from predator to prey.

COME-DOWN-TO-THE-SHORESponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure. If the Kickstarter reaches the Control Group stretch goal, the PDF will be made available to all backers for FREE!
Synopsis: Fifteen years after an unfortunate night at a lonely orphanage, five haunted men reunite to deal with the aftermath of their actions. A horrendous crime has been uncovered and someone must be made to pay for it. More importantly, the Program wants to know what happened and what danger it poses. The agents must clear their own names and track down what set this chain of events into motion…

“Sredni Vashtar went forth,/ His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white. / His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death. / Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.

atomic_robo_vs_king_zilla_by_fbwash-d2ctmlhAfter discovering the nature of the threat facing Science Team Super Five, the scientists of Telsadyne have come up with a plan to fight back. Even with their new Biomega ally, they will have to face a veritable army of bad guys, including giant kaiju. Not to worry though. Science Team Super Five has their own giant robot that the team can use to fight back. How much of Tokyo will be leveled in the fight between giants?