rm10News: The Red Markets Kickstarter is live! Help us reach the offset print run stretch goal, so we can get a full color print run of the book.

Synopsis: After barely surviving their last job, the Brutalists decide to take two jobs at once in order to earn their retirement goals even faster. This job will push the crew to their limits, but they need to cash out before their enemies catch them. One job involves working with a group of strange artists while the other one involves working with the DHQS again. The government’s black ops program may be as evil as they come, but the Brutalists need the work.

rm9News: The Red Markets Kickstarter is live! If you enjoy these Actual Play podcasts, consider backing the Kickstarter to help make the game real. We even have bonus actual plays for backers!

Synopsis: The Brutalists find out the downsides of subcontracting the hard way! Their latest job takes them face to face with a horror they’ve never encountered before. Killing an impossible monster is not their only concern either. The DHQS has an agent placed in an nearby enclave. The leadership of that enclave has designs on Kowloon, regardless of what he wants. Find out how the takers fight back in this nail-biting episode!

crusaders-rmNews: The Red Markets Kickstarter is live! If you enjoy these Actual Play podcasts, consider backing the Kickstarter to help make the game real. We even have bonus actual plays for backers!

Synopsis: The Brutalists get a new job to clear out a building of undead. Another group has already failed at the job though and the Brutalists are now subcontractors for it. No one knows why the first group failed, all the more reason for the Brutalists to dread it. However, they first have to get to the job site before they can even try. The takers have made enemies, who want revenge. There’s also another cult between them and their destination, a group of medically trained fanatics known as the Crusaders.

night-shooting-webDelta Green has pulled together a massive strike team in order to take down the mythos organization in Colorado, all led by Working Group M, but will it be enough? Only the working group knows the true nature of their foe and it may be immoral to send unknowing police officers into battle without giving them proper intelligence. But an unnatural hunger gnaws at the working group, so they must feed and soon.

If you enjoy this game, please consider getting the Agent’s Handbook for Delta Green, available now on PDF!

rm-vetThe workers of the abattoir need medication to continue their work and it is up to the Brutalists to transport the drugs. Unfortunately, the shipment also contains dangerous narcotics that could wreck havoc with the community. The takers may be mercenaries but the fallout of addicting an allied enclave with these drugs and getting them into debt with a drug cartel is quite dangerous. Those narcotics are worth a lot of bounty though, so someone must pay for them.