In a normal looking subdivision of a suburban neighborhood, five inter-connected residents find themselves embroiled in a tangled web of lies, lacrosse, and feral cats. Each has their own scheme in play, but there’s no guarantee any of them will succeed. Find out who lives and who goes to jail in this new Fiasco tale!

Ross as Miriam
Chris as Yu
Caleb as Krystal
Aaron as Mary Alice
Maddy as Kim

A trio of heroes infiltrates the social event of the year for the undead, a grand masquerade for vampires! They each have their reason for risking their lives by sneaking into the Manciple’s mansion, but will they be discovered?

Chris as Erasmus Doomsayer the spell slinger
Tom as Gary the monstrous
Amanda as Lizzie the spooky
Ross as the GM

A reclusive oligarch, Jorge Fugger, has liquidated his entire portfolio in a single massive gatecrashing operation. Firewall knows he funneled vast amounts of material and personnel through the Martian Gate, all to a single location. A team of agents is sent in to infiltrate the operation and report back. They find more than they bargained for…

Chris as Chi, Barsoomian hackivist
Amanda as Estika, xenoarcheologist
Tom as Goddard, gatecrasher

Wanderhome is a pastoral fantasy role-playing game about traveling animal-folk, the world they inhabit, and the way the seasons change. It is a game filled with grassy fields, mossy shrines, herds of chubby bumblebees, opossums in sundresses, salamanders with suspenders, starry night skies, and the most beautiful sunsets you can imagine. In a small village, a group of kin decides to take a journey to a nearby city, as part of a whimsical treasure hunt…

Ross as Pockets the peddler
Maddy as Troofus the firelight
Aaron as Scoots Yellow Jacket the shepherd
Chris as Pennyroyal the census taker
Caleb as the facilitator

Two agents awaken in a warehouse with no memory of how they got there. Their only clue is a material data safety sheet about a mysterious substance, which is not in the warehouse. What happened and who is after them? This scenario was my 2022 Delta Green Shotgun Scenario contest entry. Read the entry here.

Tom as Thomas Kunkel, special forces operator
Chris as Duncan Vinegar, a scientist