Superheroes save people and junk. They definitely aren't secretly possessed by demons. Why would you even say that? What are you, a commie superhero hating unamerican jerk?The deeds of the Fiendish Four have gotten a lot of attention, which has led to challengers coming into town. A group of superheroes called the Brands of Justice have rolled into their turf, looking to pick a fight with our devilish protagonists. What is their real agenda? How can the Fiendish Four defeat an experienced group of superhumans? This is on top of the usual challenges of parenting, teaching, and keeping the school running while leading a secret double life.

Adventures always begin with inaccurate cartography. dungeon_world_the_world_by_edmcdThe saga of Ovid the wizard (and company) continues! After escaping the depths, the band of heroes travel across deadly wilderness in order to outrun the invading army. Their goal is a nearby city they intend to warn of the impending horde, but even if they manage to get there, can they get inside? What other threats lurk in the alleys of the city? Find out what ventures the heroes undertake in this action packed episode!

Zombies: A step up from a major radioactive attack on the city. Pic by Lucy KnisleyThe Fiendish Four have secured their turf from rival villains, but a new threat may doom Brighter Futures Academy. A horde of zombies marches on the school! Who is behind the shambling undead and what can the defenders of Brighter Futures do to find and stop them, all while protecting the students and faculty? The villains have learned how to cause mayhem and inflict massive collateral damage, but sometimes that isn’t the right answer, even when it comes to zombies.

In the transhuman future, rich jerks still build gaudy skyscrapers but on MARSIn the distant future, Mars is the home of transhumanity, while earth is a ruined wasteland. Most of the population are corporate wage slaves and are only placated by vapid entertainment produced by hypercorp-contracted celebrities. These musicians, actors, and athletes live under a system not unlike the Hollywood studio system of old. They have money, influence, and an adoring entourage of lackeys but they have little control over their own lives. Gossip bloggers and studio executives manipulate the stars like puppets. Paparazzi and obsessive fans stalk them night and day. However, a ticket on Dr. Felonious Nova’s Ark Ship out of the solar system has opened up. When you’re a nearly immortal but incredibly jaded and burned out executive or celebrity, a way out of the rat race and into annals of history as a hero is worth more than anything. The ticket will be given to someone at Dr. Nova’s party. Yes, this is a Dirty World game set in the Eclipse Phase universe. All hail RPG schizophrenia!

Meet Octavius the WIZARD :DIn a distant world where all land is the skeleton of a giant or manta ray, a group of bold adventurers are out looking for trouble. It doesn’t take long for them to find it. An invasion from the Manta Ray island pits our heroes against monstrous spiders and other threats. In order to delay the invasion, the heroes undertake a risky mission into the depths of the underground. Will their heroism be enough to save the day? Find out in our first session of Dungeon World!