mercAfter a skirmish with exhuman terrorists in a Jovian factory, the Firewall agents are wounded and on the run. Their enemies are onto them, the Jovian police have launched a crackdown in response to the destruction of the factory, and time is running out. Between treating their wounds and maintaining cover identities, can they even recover and pursue new leads into the exhuman threats? They will also find out that their actions have consequences for innocent civilians caught up in the security crackdown. Helping the innocent can compromise the mission though. Can the team split the Gordian Knot? Find out in the second part of the Jovian chapter!

towerWe return to the Colossus Archipelago as Ovid and company quest to retrieve lore from a Ghost Library! The adventurers must brave a treacherous trip up the mountain to a most remote and haunted library guarded by deadly automatons and spirits. Even if they survive those challenges, finding one specific book from the stacks is a daunting task in of itself. A new cast member joins us for this episode. Listen to find out how well he does!

sentinelThe Jovian Republic chapter of Duality begins! A group of sentinels has been sent into Republic to find and stop a cell of exhuman terrorists. Posing as new immigrants or as hypercorp consultants, the team must make contact with a local cell of Firewall agents, and investigate leads while avoiding both the exhumans and the Jovian police.This all must done with basic morphs and limited weapons and tools due to strict anti-tech laws in the Republic. Of course, they could try to smuggle some tech in, but that poses its own risks. Find out how well the team does when they venture into the Republic!

ep-botThe Firewall team has found the secret lab controlled by the Jante corporation, but can they get its secrets without being killed? Private military contractors are trying to contain the exsurgent infection, which is not yet under control. In order to get the data they need, the team must deal with both the heavily armed mercenaries and the deadly exsurgent-infected abominations.  Of course, the last group of survivors at the Spa may have made things harder for the Firewall team…

Shub-NiggurathNews: Base Raiders is currently part of the Bundle of Holding! Pick up the Fate +2 Bundle to get many great Fate system games!

In an antiques shop in North London, there is a box. Inside the box is an ancient creature, seeping through into the world. It will show the Investigators the universe as it really is. The Rending Box is the final Purist adventure for Trail of Cthulhu. The previous scenarios, The Dying of St Margaret’s, The Watchers in the Sky and The Dance In The Blood have hinted about an immense, fecund creature, spawning beneath the soil of the Lake District. In The Rending Box, the Investigators see that creature. Indeed, they may discover everything: the patterns behind the universe, the monsters older than time, the secrets that break your mind. And all they need to do is open a box.

This is the fourth and final installment of the Final Revelation. Can the secrets learned by the Friday Group find the source of the upcoming apocalypse and stop it? What is the Final Revelation? Find out in the campaign finale!