red-markets-posterThe Red Markets beta campaign has begun! This session covers enclave generation and the first job. In case you weren’t aware, Red Markets is a work-in-progress RPG created by Caleb. We discuss its creation in detail on the Game Designer Workshop series on RPPR. Set in the near future after a massive zombie infection has wiped out millions, the USA is divided into two regions: The Recession (mostly east of the Mississippi) and the Loss (the rest of the country). The undead have been cleared in the Recession, so the grueling work of rebuilding civilization has begun there. The Loss is still overrun with ‘casualties’, the new term for zombie. Still, communities of refugees band together in settlements called enclaves. Life in the enclaves depends on groups of desperate but armed survivors called Takers who risk life and limb to perform dangerous freelance jobs for pay. If you need something done in the Loss and you have the money, you hire a group of Takers to do it.

This campaign concerns a group of Takers called the Brutalists in the ruins of Chicago. In their first job, they must travel to a small dam far from the safety of their enclave. What secrets are hidden within the structure? Eager for work, the Takers agree to the job and head out, uncertain of what they will find…

THE-HOUND-OF-THE-ANGLESSponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure. We have one last stretch goal, a book on PISCES and the UK. Help us reach it!

Synopsis: Months after wiping out the Cult of the Nameless God, Delta Green is no closer to explaining what happened to the men of Working Group M. Whatever dark secrets the Wayfinder’s children initiated will remain forever locked away by death and a world of words. But M had effect on target. That’s all that matters to the Program…and it’s certainly all that matters to Sredni Vashtar.

Now, a mathematician working on a top-secret NSA surveillance program has disappeared into thin air. Group M has been sent to investigate. But when the hunting ground is as large as the mythos, even the servants of a god can turn from predator to prey.

COME-DOWN-TO-THE-SHORESponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure. If the Kickstarter reaches the Control Group stretch goal, the PDF will be made available to all backers for FREE!
Synopsis: Fifteen years after an unfortunate night at a lonely orphanage, five haunted men reunite to deal with the aftermath of their actions. A horrendous crime has been uncovered and someone must be made to pay for it. More importantly, the Program wants to know what happened and what danger it poses. The agents must clear their own names and track down what set this chain of events into motion…

“Sredni Vashtar went forth,/ His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white. / His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death. / Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.

SUMMONINGSponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on!. The Iconoclasts scenario stretch goal has been unlocked! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure.

TRIGGER WARNING: In addition to supernatural horror typical of mythos gaming, this episode mentions violence towards minors. The inclusion of this subject matter is in no way meant to condone such loathsome behavior: the characters involved are monsters and dealt with accordingly. Those with traumatic events in their past are urged to skip this episode and listen to many of the other fine Delta Green games posted on RPPR.

Synopsis: January 2001: Agent Clove calls Agent Locksley to meet in a shuttered gas station kitchen. As the events chronicled in Through a Glass Darkly ripple through the whole conspiracy, it looks as if Delta Green won’t survive the month. If they do, the group’s priorities are certain to change. But Clove has a mission that can’t be allowed to fall through the cracks. It’s up to Locksley to bring four friendlies into the fold at the last possible minute and get the job done. But what kind of job is too small for DG, yet only fit for a DG agent? Nothing but nightmares and hard choices face the group as they go forth and learn why they’ve really been chosen…and by what.

theshipAfter the near-apocalyptic finale of Kenya, some time passes, and the survivors awaken to find themselves on a cruise ship heading to Australia. The Lamp Lighters have brought new allies so the survivors can build a new investigative team. However, this ship’s passage through the Pacific has attracted the attention of dark forces. The new team must battle the occult if they are even to land in the Land Down Under.