Support Pagan Publishing’s Kickstarter for their newest book: Bumps in the Night! Have Scott Glancy run a game of Call of Cthulhu for you over Skype!
Scott Glancy of Pagan Publishing ran an epic Delta Green game at PAX 2011, based on material from our very own Tom Church’s Divine Fire scenario. In this case, the secrets of occult nuclear technology first developed by the Nazis were eventually acquired by the Libyans. Now a group of specialists must retrieve the scientists behind it and stop the program while the Libyan civil war rages on! Of course, things don’t go according to plan. Find out exactly what goes wrong and how the team reacts, especially when they meet a familiar face…

At Gencon this year, Caleb and I sat down for a chance to play in one of Adam Scott Glancy‘s WW1 Call of Cthulhu games. This time, we were pilots for British Army on a night time bombing mission. 3 de Havilland DH4 planes, each with a pilot and gunner. Unfortunately, one of the bombs was dropped on the wrong place and certain seals are broken. Find out what the hapless pilots awaken and if they make it back to friendly territory!

You are cordially invited to a Night at the Opera. A town called Groversville is a hotbed of UFO activity and one of its residents has recently shown…disturbing inhuman abilities. You are to meet with your cell and determine what is going on in the town.

Be Seeing You.

In this investigator’s opinion, COL Wade’s motive for launching OPERATION OBSIDIAN was his obsessive need for revenge. This investigator now believes that COL Wade was more deeply affected by his previous experience at Angka Watt temple complex ruins during OPERATION GLASS SLIPPER than his post-mission psychological examination revealed. OPERATION GLASS SLIPPER was successful, insomuch as the entity known as the Black Buddha was detached from this dimensional reference, but it was not killed. CAPT Wade’s responses to Dr. Roth indicated he believed that the entity would have been eliminated if the team had access to sufficient firepower. It is this investigator’s belief that OPERATION OBSIDIAN was COL Wade’s attempt to test that theory. Unfortunately, Wade’s methods were…unsound.

This scenario is based on notes from Adam Scott Glancy of Pagan Publishing.

This game was run at Fear the Con, so thanks to the crew at Fear the Boot for inviting us!

If you enjoy RPPR’s Actual Plays, contribute to the Codex of War ransom to get early access to a bunch of episodes, including Call of Cthulhu and Fear Itself.

The epic conclusion to Adam Scott Glancy’s World War 1 Call of Cthulhu scenario, featuring all of the players except Shane Ivey. The players have learned that the rescued orphans have been taken by a mysterious group. Who can they trust and what can they do to save the children and put a rest to the ancient evil that dwells on the island? Find out in U-Boote Heraus part 2!