An invasion of monstrous creatures overwhelms Earth. Appearing from slipgates, the monsters are poised to wipe out humanity. A group of rangers embark on a mission beyond the slipgate to secure a mystic rune held by the monsters. It won’t be easy..

This is part 2 of our Pixel 2 Paper series. Listen to part 1 here, where Chris and I discuss Quake 1, the video game inspiration for this RPG, Slipgate Chokepoint.

Chris as the GM
Aaron as Beef Cobra
Bill as Honky Tonk
Jason A as Fat Tengu
Ross as Quad Bike


The final battle for Duskvol’s fate concludes! The Blind Eyes face their last foe, a powerful demon, in its lair. Whoever wins shall see their vision of the city succeed, but the Blind Eyes must survive the Darkest Night first.

Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Birk – Audra the Whisper

A mysterious time traveler appears in the Underground’s market for superpowers, deep below the subways of New York City. A group of base raiders protect the traveler from assassins and find out that the future is in danger! Time to travel to the near-distant future and save the spacetime continuum. This scenario is based on ideas from a game idea workshop in this AP episode.

Aaron as After Image
Jason B as The Chosen One
Renee as Beatrice
Tom as Foot High Science Guy

An oil drilling site has shut down after excavation work revealed a cave with indigenous archeological significance. Mysterious statues of unknown origin puzzled local archeologists. Delta Green wants the site investigated, so a team of agents heads in to find out if the dig site poses a threat. Some things are better left buried deep in the earth…

If you enjoyed this game, check out Baz and Caleb’s Twitch, New Game, Never Played!

Andrew “Baz” Baswell as the GM
Caleb as Agent Dathan Wood
Noah as Vicky Castonguay
Max as Terry Kremenski
Aaron as Alyssa Carpenter
Ross as Agent Ann Arendt

The Blind Eyes face down Lord Scurlock once and for all! The dreaded vampire lord hides in his mansion, waiting out the storm. The crew rallies a mob to storm the building, but even once they get past the outer defenses, they still need to strike the vampire down. The undead monster can face down entire gangs by himself, so can a handful of smugglers prevail?

Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Birk – Audra the Whisper