brandolyn-coverThe village of Portnelle is once again bright and festive. After years of feuding, the town’s most prominent and influential families will finally be making peace as the youngest generations are joined in marriage. However, when an evil born of dark secrets refuses to stay buried, blood will flow like wine at the reception.

This wedding is one your fellow villagers will talk about for generations!

Buy the adventure on DrivethruRPG if you want to run it for your group.

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Synopsis: Working Group M is sent back into action after the bloody events of the previous mission. The legalization of marijuana in Colorado has led to a booming pot industry and a problem for the Group. One new corporation has been flagged for investigation. Their product is unusual and their CEO has tenuous connections to a previous operation, conducted decades ago. When Sredni Vashtar is hungry, no one is safe…

rm6The Brutalists have been hired to transport a prisoner for a trial, a trail that will almost certainly end in her execution. To ease their consciences, they have agreed to investigate her case and save her. In order to do that, they must cross the line into the Recession. It is heavily guarded and evidence of her innocence is not guaranteed to still exist. Even worse, what profit is there in this mission?

saurian2And now, the second half of Saurian Solutions LLC! Our heroes plan their attack on Mr Tyrranous, getting allies from rebels within the saurian ranks. They also get help from the outside, as a grizzled old SAS soldier, who also happens to be a werewolf, joins the fight. They also seek help from a local militia that has been trapped in the jungle. But will these armed, and somewhat crazy gunmen be more trouble than they are worth?

fhsgExtinction is not always forever.  A group of Base Raiders are on their way across the country when they happen upon a strange situation in Arizona.  A small town has been cut off from the rest of the world, and its population have been transformed into dinosaurs by a new villain, Mr Tyrrannous.  Now, The Violet Vision, an alien robot, and a magical talking cat must stop this new villain, before the rest of the world is forced to go dino.