A pair of sharpers are hired to rescue the heir to a corporate fortune. The problem? He’s been kidnapped and enslaved on a mining planet. Finding one man among countless damned souls may be impossible for some, but these two mercenaries live for the challenge. Find out what happens in our first game run in Synthicide, a new sci-fi RPG available now!

Imagine the real world BUT there is also magic and fantastical creatures like elves, centaurs, and orcs. This did not change history or culture in the slightest. Like, aside from there being orcs and magic, everything is literally identical. The Alamo happened. Crazy, huh? Now there’s a crystal ball, which is like an artillery strike, but it can also do useful things. Maybe not like grant a wish, but still it’s pretty useful. However, only special people called Dims can use crystal balls. In this world, a crystal ball winds up in the wrong hands and everyone is after it. Guns are involved.

Merry Bridgetmas! Even during the holiday season, work never stops for the shadowrunners of Seattle. One crew is contacted to eliminate a target VIP at a certain building by a certain time. Of course, getting in a heavily guarded site requires skill, cunning, and good teamwork. This team is not quite as functional though, constantly bickering and arguing. What twists and turns await them and what is Santa carrying in that sack?

A man, a self-proclaimed psychic, sleep walks onto the road, causing a car to crash. Inside the trunk is a man’s body. The driver has no memory of the incident. As the sheriff tries to puzzle out the pieces, an agent of a secretive corporation arrives, following the trail of a missing person of interest. The psychic, sheriff, and agent all find themselves involved in the same mystery. It leads to a horrifying nightmare beyond their comprehension.

Special guest GM, Rob Stith from the Orpheus Protocol podcast visited us at RPPR to run a special one shot of his game. Enjoy and if you liked this episode, please check out the Orpheus Protocol.

A group of shadowrunners have been hired to acquire rare and ancient Japanese artifacts currently stored in a museum in Seattle. It seems their original owner wants them back. The team is happy to oblige, only there’s an additional twist: no blood must be shed during the heist. This may make the theft more challenging than any of the high tech or mystical defenses set in place. Or perhaps the artifacts themselves may be the final challenge. Ancient art in Japan is more than beautiful…it’s positively haunted.