rickmortySo there’s this show called Rick and Morty. It’s about a mad scientist (Rick) and his grandson (Morty) going on adventures throughout time and space. In one episode, it is revealed that there is an organization called the Council of Ricks, composed of many Ricks throughout the countless parallel universes. In this special one shot, each player is a Rick and Morty team sent by the Council to investigate a strange alien planet. What secrets does this planet hold? Can a team of Ricks from very different alternate universes work together as a team? Probably not, but you may be surprised!

Dead-Gatecrasher_JamesWolfA group of hypercorp gatecrashers are sent to an off the books exoplanet that has gone silent in order t 496C 68764E78 546C6576696D70 6D6C6 468736C 64676 C6867 6 C6B68 6B 69767 A776C 756 8727 46D7A6 F557 26D7 77376697 26D4E726 9 696C6 94F6C6 D 776C6D HIDE in the comfurt available, but if you follow this plan, Finding Unstoppable Keywords mesh://nanopointer.gatekeeper//lb25s4 9 Things You Really Don t A little-understood secret that will keep the water in your Crunchy Teriyaki Ultimately, Loren has offered no Be Pumped About! 5 More Things You Can Start Right Away mesh://nanopointer.gatekeeper//bsbv89t .Well, You Know the Rest. ZORVMHRTMZOYVBLMWNRIILIDLIHVGSZMVCHFITVMG Take a look at the following list. It sEnergy … Eat, Don t Hate! ions The hydroponic Plant The Sun The Heart Prayer The Jovian The Lonely Consciousness Reunification you heard me right, one day. You ll sound so good they ll fire the piano bbq vf na vqrny pbybal fvgr, n pbzcyrk jbegul bs frevbhf vairfgvtngvba, be n qrngu genc VARIATION IN OF THE VARIABILITY IN AS SHOWN BY CERES + VARIABILITY OF THE VARIABILITY OF BETWEEN DAY AND NIGHT The incredible energy, reverse The Power of THE MARCH HARE mesh://nanopointer.gatekeeper//q97bz6j Buy the Bot You Want at a Price You Love

RPPR-TLOEG-Poster-mk3Thanks to Crazon for this awesome cover art!

Whenever the world is threatened by unnatural dangers, there is only one organization to call on. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen has existed for centuries, recruiting the finest and most unusual adventurers, thinkers, rebels, and iconoclasts the universe has ever seen. When Dr. Oak summons a coterie of evil dictators and would-be conquerors to bid on his genetically engineered army of monsters and child trainers, it is up to the League to stop him. Three heroes are sent in to stop the sale of the ‘Pocket Monster’ army: Earthworm Jim, The Guyver, and MANTIS. Can they penetrate the island’s security and stop Dr. Oak before it is too late?

Duck and Cover is for suckers!In the grimdark future where war, war never changes, some people built a Vault in the Ozarks. Other people survived the nuclear war by hiding in the vault. Today, the door to the vault opens. What will the citizens of Vault 26 do in the post-apocalyptic Ozarks? Can they become a powerful faction like Beartown or Neo-Branson or will they fall prey to the raiders or giant ants that plague the region? This is a 2 session game. We never played another session, but that’s no reason to deprive you of it. We used GURPS 4th edition, some online Fallout GURPS material, and the GURPS mass combat rules.

Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.The journey has come to an end. There is only one mission left: to defeat Manjappa. Warden, the Promethean AI, has sent the Firewall team to Mars to track down and confront Manjappa, the author of Know Evil. Manjappa isn’t willing to go down without a fight though. Can they survive the final battle and even so, what will happen to them after the mission is completed? Everyone must face up to the decisions they’ve made over the course of their investigation. Find out what happens to Bartleby, Preston, SAIROC, Gerard, Quoth, and Fei Yin!

We here at RPPR would like to thank the listeners for their enthusiasm, comments, and emails about Know Evil. It was a great campaign that we all enjoyed playing and we hope you enjoyed as well! The Know Evil Fan Creation Contest officially ends on May 10. More Eclipse Phase is coming, but we have some great new campaigns in the works now:

Our next campaign is an Iron Heroes campaign called the Fortunes of War. It follows the saga of a group of soldiers turned merchants as they try to fulfill their destinies during a war along the Silk Road . After that, we have a Night’s Black Agents campaign called the Tribes of Tokyo – a group of security experts uncovers a horrific vampire conspiracy in the seedy underbelly of the city. Stay tuned!

Download a high resolution image of the Know Evil Poster.