Your megazord won't save you now!After the success of Operation Black Dolphin, it was only a matter of time before the vampires struck back. The family of one of the Ronin is threatened, which reveals a leak in the police department. Who can the Ronin trust now? How can they possibly survive the next confrontation? Why does a Red Ranger costume come into play? Find out in this thrilling episode of Tribes of Tokyo!

Thanks to Crazon for the artwork!

The Empty FIve: Ain't nobody to fuck withThe Ronin decide to strike back at the vampire conspiracy with Operation Black Dolphin, a cunning but risky plan. They must gather many disparate components in order for the plan to work, and a single misstep can ruin it. Part of the plan involves the creation of a fake terrorist group known as the Empty Five. It also involves corpses, Geiger counters and copious amounts of explosives. Will it be enough to change the dynamics of the conspiracy and give the Ronin a chance to catch up or is it too late? Find out in this very special episode of Tribes of Tokyo!

Check out this ‘shopping list’ of items used in Operation Black Dolphin

Thanks to Crazon for the art!

What's the Matter with Kansas? The Derek Bishop Chronicles continue! After surviving the events of Anderson Island, Derek and his motley crew of researchers track down rumors of a vampire in the college town of Manhattan, Kansas. Of course, things are not as they seem. Strange wind storms and disturbances plague the small city as Bishop and company pursue their investigation. Even though they have survived the supernatural before, can they survive an evil as strong as the wind itself?  (Special note: This is actually the second adventure of Derek Bishop. The Festival was posted out of order.)

Even old burned out agents are manga fans in JapanThe Ronin have decided to track down the source of the mysterious drug, Reverb, which takes them to the sewers of Shibuya. Their mission raises more questions than it answers, but that will have to wait. Their boss has arranged a meeting with the engimatic client, but the Ronin must provide security. Of course, the opposition decides to interfere. Can the Ronin turn the tables on their enemies for once? Find out in this episode!

Thanks to Crazon for the art!

Wisely did Ibn Schacabao say, that happy is the tomb where no wizard hath lain, and happy the town at night whose wizards are all ashes. For it is of old rumour that the soul of the devil-bought hastes not from his charnel clay, but fats and instructs the very worm that gnaws; till out of corruption horrid life springs, and the dull scavengers of earth wax crafty to vex it and swell monstrous to plague it. Great holes secretly are digged where earth's pores ought to suffice, and things have learnt to walk that ought to crawl.Slasher Flick is an indie RPG that models slasher horror films. When former RPPR regular Thad showed up for a visit, I decided to revisit the Derek Bishop Chronicles using Slasher Flick. At South Padre Island, a group of skeptics and college students on Spring Break will soon be thrown into a hellish nightmare when a skeptic inadvertently summons a terrifying monster! As the killer eliminates his victims, one by one, can a group of students, drug dealers, hotel employees, and bros find a way to slay the monster?  Has Derek Bishop written his last chronicle? Find out in this special one shot!