The Mountain of the Black WindThe investigators are closer than ever to the heart of the conspiracy. After recruiting a local mercenary, Nails Nelson, to help them travel to the Mountain of the Black Wind. The answers they seek lie there, but an army of cultists and other dangers stands between them and their goal. Even if they reach their destination, will they be in any shape to climb the mountain?

Train_wreckage_from_Wellington_WA_avalanche_cph.3b13980A murder and theft at Washington State University was flagged by automated monitoring systems set up by Delta Green. A team of agents is hastily assembled and sent to the murder scene as quickly as possible. The victim was a geologist and several samples of an unusual nature were stolen from the lab. Unfortunately, the true nature of these samples is unknown, only that they refer to an earlier Delta Green case. The team must not only find the killer but learn the true nature of the samples and recover them if possible. The investigation will lead them to dark places, facing even darker opponents.

This episode guest stars Faust from the Thrilling Intent podcast!

dreamscapeThe end draws near! After a long and maddening quest, the Firewall team has tracked down their quarry, the entity known as Loren Kristol. It has seized a colony in the outer system known as Alpha Plus. Fortunately, a nearby colony ship, destined for another solar system, is still close enough to farcast the team. Unfortunately, the ship has been compromised by TITAN technology. Regardless of the danger, the team must attempt to stop Loren before it completes its plan.

mistercorbitt_09The investigators are in Nairobi, looking into the cult of the Bloody Tongue and the missing Carlyle Expedition. Before they can enlist the aid of locals, including a powerful mystic, they must prove themselves by stopping a potential agent of the Crawling Chaos, Mr. Corbitt and any other cultists in the city. Corbitt owns a mansion connected to evil, but what lurks in the basement will horrify even the most jaded of investigators. Can the team purge the evil hiding in the darkness?

station_by_ewknThe Firewall team has been captured and sent to a secret lab and prsion run by the Ultimates. The lab is now run by Loren Kristol, or at least a being that claims to be Loren. As new inmates, the team must find a way to survive and complete the mission. Between vicious prisoners, deadly Ultimate guards, and experimental weapon technology, how can they possibly pull this mission off?