News: The Orpheus Protocol is on Kickstarter now! Ross is writing material for it,as one of the stretch goals.Check it out today!

A team of agents has been assigned to investigate a series of strange incidents at a wealthy gated community. Someone is knocking on doors of certain residents late at night, but despite private security guards, surveillance cameras and other measures, the suspect remains unseen.There is more at work here than a mere series of pranks. What will the team uncover?

While excavating land around Catholic church near Norfolk, Virginia as part of a larger renovation, local construction workers have unearthed a strange burial site. Inside a hillside crypt nearly 200 yards from the church, workers found nearly 30 skeletal remains arranged in a circle along the walls of the crypt. Each skeleton was found to have had it’s skull removed and placed in front of a central skeleton holding a long blade with spiral etching. Initial observations from friendlies on the site have determined that the blade may be a point of concern. Delta Green activates a cell to investigate the site and identify any potential vectors.

NASA always has more people willing to risk death for glory than missions to fill. When a five astronaut team gets the call that they’ve been assigned a classified, military space shuttle mission, it is the chance of a lifetime. They are headed for space to repair a secret spy satellite code-named BLACKSAT.Two experts are assigned to travel with the astronauts to conduct the repairs, but they are clearly not qualified. This is only the start of this mission’s problems.

Agent Denim is on a mission to stop the SOVAD global economic forum (held in Las Vegas) before the evil bankers and politicians take over the world. One by one, the evil and corrupt members of society will face justice at the hands of Denim. But they have their own plan to stop him. Is the world doomed or will corruption win?

A bank is robbed in Los Angeles but it seems to defy all logic. Safe deposit boxes were sawed open but the vault itself was not breached. The door remained closed the entire night. When FBI investigators start to examine the mystery, they find the victim and suspect were both members of an unusual book club.

This scenario was written as part of the 2018 Shotgun Scenario Contest. You can read the entry here.