A squad of Marines in the jungles of Vietnam encounter a power beyond their comprehension. It gives them a chance to defeat the enemy, but at what cost? As they struggle to understand their situation, they try to complete their mission.

Bill Wessler is the biggest bully in high school. Just this week, Bill dared anyone brave enough to spend the entire night in the old Denford school on the edge of town.  The old 2-story building is surrounded by a tangled meadow of chest-high weeds and brambles. The walls are covered in ivy, the windows boarded up. The front door is slightly open. Bill and his two friends stand far behind you at the edge of the meadow, the lights of their car on, playing loud music, drinking beers and laughing amongst themselves. “We’ll be watching!” he shouts. “No sneaking out unless you wanna be known as chicken!” Once you enter, you can’t leave until sunrise tomorrow morning. It is almost sunset on Halloween night…

The Rake is an infamous urban legend about an evil creature that preys on innocent sleeping victims. After they wake up and see it hovering over them at night, their doom is assured. A pair of post-grad students find themselves embroiled in a research project to find out the truth behind the story. What they find is far more insidious than they could have imagined.

This scenario was run with the new 1980s horror RPG, Rememorex.

A group of Takers have been hired to secure printers and laminating machines from a DMV in an overrun mall. Along the way, they will have to fight casualties, a toll booth, and other Takers. I ran this game for a group of mostly new players at Patrecon 2018. Be sure to check out the following creators:

YOU HAVE BEEN CORDIALLY INVITED TO A NIGHT AT THE OPERA. A dirty bomb has been planted in the training center. Stop them. Get them. You have a weapon and a purpose. the RAIN in SPAIN falls MAINLY in the PLAIN where mothers WEEP and sailors SLEEP by the WAVES of the SHORES of the LAKE of the LAKE of the LAKE of the LAKE of the LAKE of the LAKE of th-