The mutant heroes have uncovered a nefarious plot by an evil scientist that must be stopped. To complicate matters, delusional ‘monster hunters’ are tracking the heroes. In order to deal with these threats, the players must recruit aid from unlikely sources, including the reclusive engineer and the monster Zog! Listen in to find which mutant animal hero makes a guest appearance in this episode.

This game system was the first RPG I ever played, so even though it hasn’t aged as gracefully as some games, I’m still fond of TMNT & Other Strangeness. So last year, I ran a 2 part game using this system, gleefully maintaining all the quirks of the Palladium rules. The players are all part of the mutant animal underground, living in the forgotten and abandoned parts of The Big Apple. Of course, trouble has a way of finding them…

Inspired by Top Shelf’s recent April Fool’s joke, I ran a one shot game on this Cinco de Mayo using Wushu, a rules light open ended system. The player characters were all iconic 80s heroes, including Doc Brown, Optimus Prime, Jack Burton, MacGuyver, and B.A. Baracus. They must stop Scarface and his army of Lost Boy vampires from taking over the world.