Fall of Delta Green – Borellus Connection – Operation ALONSO Part 2 – Episode 3

Saigon is a hotbed of spies, insurgents, cultists, and gangsters. The agents discover that the Cthulhu cult works out of a site in a swamp outside the city. Fortunately, they have access to helicopters and armed backup. What horrors await them?

Caleb as Eli Munny, special forces
Aaron as Gina Tan, CIA translator
Tom as Marcus Abrams, ex-Army pilot
Chris as David Nelson, FBI agent

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  1. That was a great episode! What problem can’t be solved by fire bombing the enemies.

  2. Really enjoying the game so far! I do think you are giving the PCs an advantage with Lethality. A Lethality roll that doesn’t auto-kill does Lx5 plus the die result, so that AK is only doing 10 as opposed to 25 on the jungle path. Of course, if the opposition has a machinegun too, ho ho ho, all bets are off!

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