The U.S. Marine Corps recently captured a Viet Cong tunnel complex in Quang Tri province near the DMZ. It is believed that they removed something from that tunnel complex, not least because Corporal Paul Lewis, the unit photographer attached to Firebase Jonas, died from an “accidental firearm discharge” two days later. That was three days ago.

Delta Green, a secret government agency dedicated to protecting the U.S. from the unnatural, sends in a team of agents to investigate and stop the outbreak.

Aaron as Gina Lan, CIA translator
Chris as David Nelson, FBI Agent
Tom as Dr. Elliot Vannaker, physician.
Jason as Stan Madison, US Army

In this investigator’s opinion, COL Wade’s motive for launching OPERATION OBSIDIAN was his obsessive need for revenge. This investigator now believes that COL Wade was more deeply affected by his previous experience at Angka Watt temple complex ruins during OPERATION GLASS SLIPPER than his post-mission psychological examination revealed. OPERATION GLASS SLIPPER was successful, insomuch as the entity known as the Black Buddha was detached from this dimensional reference, but it was not killed. CAPT Wade’s responses to Dr. Roth indicated he believed that the entity would have been eliminated if the team had access to sufficient firepower. It is this investigator’s belief that OPERATION OBSIDIAN was COL Wade’s attempt to test that theory. Unfortunately, Wade’s methods were…unsound.

This scenario is based on notes from Adam Scott Glancy of Pagan Publishing.

This game was run at Fear the Con, so thanks to the crew at Fear the Boot for inviting us!

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