The Delvers are back in Derelictus but their problems are only beginning. Rakk seeks out an easy way to make some coin and learns of the Society of the Advancement of Pugilistic Science (SAPS). They pay well for pit fighters. Garahan researches ways to contact the Conductor and learns of a potential ally in his quest. All of the team visits the lair of SAPS to watch Rakk’s first fight, but things go slightly awry…

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage
David as Valanthe drow witch

The Delvers have found Sump Station but that was the easy part of the job! A giant crab lurks in the station’s depths and the Delvers have to find it and plant the device on its shell. After the job, getting home becomes its own adventure..

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage
David as Valanthe drow witch

Every month, a sacrificial victim is thrown into an underground labyrinth, where a monster waits, hungry. Elsewhere, a Delta Green cell activates to tracking down a missing man. The handler alone knows why the missing man is important, but they won’t tell the agents that. A pig farm in Iowa prospers, and no one in town questions why. The Drove awaits.

Check out the full map of the Chute on the RPPR Patreon.

This episode is based on my 2021 Delta Green Shotgun Scenario contest entry, The Drove. Read it here.

Jason B as Handler Beverly
Maddy as Agent Tara
Tom as Agent Thad
Chris as Agent Brianna

A group of delvers has set up in Derelictus, a city built over the Heart, a massive extra-dimensional dungeon. The delvers live in the Halfway House, a building teetering on the edge of a ravine, and each has their own goals for risking life, limb, and soul to explore the Heart. They need hard coin to survive though and that means jobs. Their first job is to find a giant crab in the Sump Station, but first they have to find the station. The journey begins!

If you want to listen to episode zero, group character creation, it’s available on the RPPR Patreon now!

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage
David as Valanthe drow witch

A mysterious time traveler appears in the Underground’s market for superpowers, deep below the subways of New York City. A group of base raiders protect the traveler from assassins and find out that the future is in danger! Time to travel to the near-distant future and save the spacetime continuum. This scenario is based on ideas from a game idea workshop in this AP episode.

Aaron as After Image
Jason B as The Chosen One
Renee as Beatrice
Tom as Foot High Science Guy