Caleb developed a new game themed around Psychedelic Horror. A group of drug users all take a powerful new hallucinogen called Raisins. They experience a deadly trip and only one of them can survive. Keep an eye on Hebanon Game’s Patreon for future updates for this game!

Ross as Steve
Tom as Charles
David as Cas
Maddy as Amelia
Aaron as Wallace

The Delvers have returned to Derelictus only to discover their home has been taken by a powerful merchant! They decide to steal the merchant’s wealth as revenge, but a daring heist must be planned first. Preparations include scouting the merchant’s mansion, finding weaknesses in his security, and acquiring the proper tools and knowledge to crack the safe. It won’t be easy…

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage
David as Valanthe drow witch

With the Boatman in a charitable mood, lungs are filled with fresh air and news of a massive Kaiju! Thankfully there is a way to defeat this monster! Just need to surpass some 37 Bio-Buddy trainers and overcome the GUTZ trials! Easy right?

Tom as Foot High Science Guy
Ross as Crate
Aaron as After Image

GMed by Greywalker/Micah Nielsen

News: Join the RPPR Patreon to listen to our new After Hours mini-series on Castle Greyhawk, the worst module ever published by TSR! RPPR is also now on Twitch and Youtube streaming every Sunday at 6 pm CDT. We review RPGs and answer questions from chat. Only patrons can watch livestreams later.

The Delvers find two strange communities in the Heart, one filled with kindness and the other with deadly secrets. The Tower welcomes strangers and offers a safe place to live, but how can it survive down here? Ghorryn is a nest of spies and rumormongers. The Delvers find each to be a threat in its own way, but they must press on!

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage

A tech billionaire died inside the Printed House, a building-sized 3d printer. The police are unable to conduct an investigation because corporate lawyers have barred them from entry with an injunction. A small group of paranormal investigators learn that the Printed House is a nexus of supernatural power that could end the world. They must sneak inside and find out its secrets if they hope to stop the evil.

View the full map of the Printed House on the RPPR Patreon!

Aaron as Celeste Halifax, Searcher
Tom as Anton, Monstrous (man-bat)
Thad as A. W., Spooky