COME-DOWN-TO-THE-SHORESponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure. If the Kickstarter reaches the Control Group stretch goal, the PDF will be made available to all backers for FREE!
Synopsis: Fifteen years after an unfortunate night at a lonely orphanage, five haunted men reunite to deal with the aftermath of their actions. A horrendous crime has been uncovered and someone must be made to pay for it. More importantly, the Program wants to know what happened and what danger it poses. The agents must clear their own names and track down what set this chain of events into motion…

“Sredni Vashtar went forth,/ His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white. / His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death. / Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.

atomic_robo_vs_king_zilla_by_fbwash-d2ctmlhAfter discovering the nature of the threat facing Science Team Super Five, the scientists of Telsadyne have come up with a plan to fight back. Even with their new Biomega ally, they will have to face a veritable army of bad guys, including giant kaiju. Not to worry though. Science Team Super Five has their own giant robot that the team can use to fight back. How much of Tokyo will be leveled in the fight between giants?

teamfiveThe rag tag team of misfit scientists employed by Tesladyne have been sent to Japan. Apparently Science Team Super Five is having some kind of technical difficulty on their island off the coast of Japan. Tesladyne needs their help anyway to look into their security problem after the last attack. However, when the three fighting scientists arrive on Super Five’s island, they find more than they bargained for. Can a bloodthirsty ex-Nazi dinosaur, an incredibly life-like android, and a reformed mad scientist stop the assault of the Biomegas?

monsters-flytrap The White Forest Institute is a mental health group home for children who have been determined to be a threat to themselves or others. Some children who have been misdiagnosed due to the antics of their monsters, and explaining it that way will get you the appropriate anti-hallucinatory medications. Some strange Arcane Confluence at the home keeps the monsters from reassuring their kids that everything will be okay. The game will shift gears between the Children navigating the social hierarchy of the Home, while trying to not suffer relationship damage that will sever their tie with their monsters, and the Monsters will begin to solve the mystery of why their kids were taken to this particular home. Can the Children and Monsters find a way to reunite and convince the adults they have been successfully rehabilitated?

robo-coverAre you ready for some two-fisted science adventure? Then it’s time for the Atomic Robo RPG! Have you ever wanted to face down global conspiracy as an immortal atomic robot or Carl Sagan? The Atomic Robo RPG makes it possible. In this campaign, a trio of scientists working for Tesadyne face a series of unusual problems at work. Can a reformed mad scientist, an engineer who thinks he’s a robot, and an ex-Nazi dinosaur stop an invasion of the vampire dimension on Tesladyne island?