The Muse Squad goes undercover into Coalition territory to break into the Black Vault, a secret hoard of magical artifacts under Chi-Town! They’ll find this heist to be more difficult than any they’ve pulled off before.

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Jason as Vance Hellspring, psi-stalker
Chris as Cranberry Bog Hexer, Human Ocean Wizard

Three vampires are dropped behind enemy lines with a single mission: Kill Hitler. They’ll have to fight their way through occupied Paris, fighting soldiers, tanks, and supernatural foes. Can they succeed in their mission?

Tom as Flint
Jason A as Chuck
David as Cosgrave

An immortal necromancer is on a mad quest to become a god, searching the grounds of an abandoned insane asylum for the remains of the one person who holds the secrets he needs. The brother of the necromancer has allied with Delta Green to stop him. A team is sent in, guided by the brother. They’ll have to deal with undead killers and an abomination made from the flesh of the dead before they can find the necromancer.

This scenario is available as a PDF for patrons of the RPPR Patreon and includes a map and original artwork of a new monster. It is compatible with all modern horror RPGs. Help support RPPR by joining the Patreon and get a new scenario to run for your group today!

Roxanne as Jacklyn Winfield, FBI agent – Check out her page of her original games!
Jason A as Lisette Bogue, CIA case officer
Tom as Pete Schock, Marine

The Muse Squad is sent on a special mission to Riverton, an important town on the border of the Tomorrow Legion’s territory. The town is considering an alliance with the Federation of Magic. The squad must convince the town not to ally with the Federation. Of course, the real question is why does the Federation even want to ally with Riverton?

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Jason as Vance Hellspring, psi-stalker
Dan as Daryl the Mystic

The Muse Squad has to rescue the El Mariachi muse, but in order to do that, they’ll have to help him rescue his village from a band of vampires! Out in the southwest, vampires are some of the most deadly monsters, despite their fatal weakness to moving water, i.e. squirt guns and water balloons. Can the squad defeat the vampires and recruit the legally distinct El Mariachi?

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Jason as Vance Hellspring, psi-stalker
Dan as Daryl the Mystic