COME-DOWN-TO-THE-SHORESponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure. If the Kickstarter reaches the Control Group stretch goal, the PDF will be made available to all backers for FREE!
Synopsis: Fifteen years after an unfortunate night at a lonely orphanage, five haunted men reunite to deal with the aftermath of their actions. A horrendous crime has been uncovered and someone must be made to pay for it. More importantly, the Program wants to know what happened and what danger it poses. The agents must clear their own names and track down what set this chain of events into motion…

“Sredni Vashtar went forth,/ His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white. / His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death. / Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.

SUMMONINGSponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on!. The Iconoclasts scenario stretch goal has been unlocked! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure.

TRIGGER WARNING: In addition to supernatural horror typical of mythos gaming, this episode mentions violence towards minors. The inclusion of this subject matter is in no way meant to condone such loathsome behavior: the characters involved are monsters and dealt with accordingly. Those with traumatic events in their past are urged to skip this episode and listen to many of the other fine Delta Green games posted on RPPR.

Synopsis: January 2001: Agent Clove calls Agent Locksley to meet in a shuttered gas station kitchen. As the events chronicled in Through a Glass Darkly ripple through the whole conspiracy, it looks as if Delta Green won’t survive the month. If they do, the group’s priorities are certain to change. But Clove has a mission that can’t be allowed to fall through the cracks. It’s up to Locksley to bring four friendlies into the fold at the last possible minute and get the job done. But what kind of job is too small for DG, yet only fit for a DG agent? Nothing but nightmares and hard choices face the group as they go forth and learn why they’ve really been chosen…and by what.

dg-forestSponsor: Arc Dream is sponsoring this episode of Game Designer’s Workshop. Check out the Delta Green Kickstarter.

In 1947, Delta Green is still part of the U.S. government but they are more concerning with hunting ex-Nazi occultists than they are investigating domestic ‘weird’ events. When a truck in the Catskills Mountains hits a bizarre ape-like creature, Delta Green is notified. Similarities between the creature and specimens retrieved by the Nazis from the Congo spark the idea for an investigation. A team of three agents with Delta Green clearance are sent to the Catskills to find out the truth behind the creature.

Using a beta version of new Delta Green rules, this game showcases some of the changes between baseline Call of Cthulhu and the new game. Keep in mind that many of the rules in the beta may change before final publication.

This AP guest stars Faust from Thrilling Intent. Check out their Youtube channel.

sparklesNews: Sparkles the Unicorn is now available to purchase as a Base Raiders PDF supplement! Get it on DrivethruRPG or through the Base Raiders store.

An incredibly powerful artifact known as the Horn of the Wild Hunt has been loosed upon the world and only Sparkles knows how dangerous it is. The demented unicorn enlists the aid of three base raiding heroes to help him get the horn before it causes too much damage. They must first smuggle a unicorn from New York to Colorado though, which entails a road trip. After that, the heroes find out the bearer of the horn has already made a powerful enemy, who has hired superpowered mercenaries. On top of that, a rival team of base raider that model themselves after Avalon and the Ideal threatens to interfere. Who will get the horn? Does Sparkles have an ulterior motive? Find out in our latest one shot, guest starring Faust from Thrilling Intent!

Train_wreckage_from_Wellington_WA_avalanche_cph.3b13980A murder and theft at Washington State University was flagged by automated monitoring systems set up by Delta Green. A team of agents is hastily assembled and sent to the murder scene as quickly as possible. The victim was a geologist and several samples of an unusual nature were stolen from the lab. Unfortunately, the true nature of these samples is unknown, only that they refer to an earlier Delta Green case. The team must not only find the killer but learn the true nature of the samples and recover them if possible. The investigation will lead them to dark places, facing even darker opponents.

This episode guest stars Faust from the Thrilling Intent podcast!