Nikki Sandson is a promising graduate student pursuing a degree in American Folklore. For her dissertation, she had planned to catalog and analyze the tales of several isolated communities deep in the western North Carolina Mountains. Now, she and her boyfriend are missing in the rugged terrain and her family fears the worst. Two private investigators and one of Nikki’s colleagues follow her steps to find her.

This scenario comes form Fear’s Sharp Little Needles, an anthology of Call of Cthulhu scenarios, easily adaptable for Delta Green rules.

Caleb as Dr. Lyle Bennington, Anthropologist
Jason as Sapphon Arnault, private investigator
Maddy as Veronica turner, private investigator
Ross as the Handler

Valentino was a prestigious boarding school before the Crash and now it’s an enclave populated primarily by former students and faculty. Taker groups are based in the school club rooms and named after their groups. The Chess Club is one such Taker group and they’ve gotten a contract for a closure job. A famous author with potentially a lost manuscript, located inside a major city. The Chess Club looks for both but entering a city is still a major risk…

Patrick as the GM
Ross as Bishop, Black Math believer
Caleb as Knight, a self-styled chivalrous warrior
Aaron as Queen, a roach
Chris as Rook, a Latent

Dr. Zack Garland, a retired biologist, formerly of March Technologies, has been secretly buying human remains on the black market. He lives alone in a farmhouse, where he’s built a large metal building next to his home. Given these facts, Delta Green sends a team of three agents to find out what he’s doing and if he is working with anyone else.

Thad as Donovan Eckles, Biologist
Rob Stith (listen to the Orpheus Protocol now!) as Grant Allbee, Federal Agent
Caleb as Paxton Millner, ATF explosives specialist

Listen to a previous run of this scenario played by RPPR patrons on our streaming Youtube channel. I often playtest scenarios for patrons before I run them for the podcast. Sign up to be a patron to play in a game that I run!

Bleak Spirit is a storytelling game modeled on video games like Dark Souls and Elden Ring. Players take turns narrating what a lone wanderer does as they explore a desolate region. History is hidden behind cryptic bits of lore and the few inhabitants left are dangerous. Aaron, Caleb, and I played a game of it. Find out what dark truths await the wanderer in the Bone Quarry.

Caleb developed a new game themed around Psychedelic Horror. A group of drug users all take a powerful new hallucinogen called Raisins. They experience a deadly trip and only one of them can survive. Keep an eye on Hebanon Game’s Patreon for future updates for this game!

Ross as Steve
Tom as Charles
David as Cas
Maddy as Amelia
Aaron as Wallace