In the ‘80s and early ‘90s, Deep Lake New Mexicon was the home of a notorious public access television station called TV Odyssey, the history and fate of which—the station literally disappeared—is the source of much speculation in certain corners of the internet. Three people have returned to Deep Lake to investigate the missing TV station and other mysteries, like the haunted Escondido Mall. They are the Latchkeys and this is their story.

Caleb as Shane Oaks
Bridget as Claire Morin. Aka stickypawz
Fae as Cybelle Smith

A strange ‘stowaway’ has been found on the oil rig, without any explanation of how they got there. That’s only the start of the mystery though. Weirder events are happening and the stowaway seems to be keeping many secrets. Can the crew figure out what’s going on before it’s too late?

Ross as Lorenzo Tassoni, divemaster
Vee as Philis Trask, geologist – Visit Queen’s Court Games
Caleb as Ryan Campbell, geologist -get more DG content on Dead Channels
Baz as Beth Townsend, doctor – Watch Baz on Twitch
Max as Clark Hudson, pilot – get more Delta Green APs on Relatable Rolls

An oil rig illegally operates off the coast of Greenland in the summer of 2020, looking to find a new untapped reservoir. The crew is made of misfits, skilled but desperate workers who can’t work anywhere else or need the money fast. However, the drill struck something the crew never expected it would hit. What’s below the surface? Find out in the first part of this playtest of Adam Scott Glancy’s latest scenario for Delta Green!

Ross as Lorenzo Tassoni, divemaster
Vee as Philis Trask, geologist – Visit Queen’s Court Games
Caleb as Ryan Campbell, geologist -get more DG content on Dead Channels
Baz as Beth Townsend, doctor – Watch Baz on Twitch
Max as Clark Hudson, pilot – get more Delta Green APs on Relatable Rolls


A team from the Royal Jaune Records label arrives in Bon Marais, Louisiana, in June of 1956. They are in search of the original lyrics to the popular folk song “Cotton-Eyed Joe.” The family of local folk legend Rory Welch claims to have those lyrics and have promised to release them…for a sizeable sum, of course. But dark and terrible things lurk in the Louisiana swamps, and the team find themselves getting more than what they bargained for in this lyrical deal.

You can buy the scenario now on DrivethruRPG!

Ross as Shelley Mead, folklore researcher
Caleb as Baxter Scroggins, record executive
Thad as Carl Hunter, electrical technician
Baz as Gene Eric Whiteman, security and driver

Rina from The Old Ways Podcast ran this adventure for us.

Jørgen recovers in a hospital, nearly dead from his injuries. This does not mean he is safe. Despite the police presence and thousands of witnesses, the unnatural forces stalking him draw ever closer. Of course, he has a friend who may be able to help, but will it be enough?

Maddy as Nichole Withers, a firefighter
Caleb as Deanna Cabrina, a nurse at the hospital
Rob Stith as Jørgen Nygård, undercover agent
Ross as the Handler