shanghai-2Shanghai is heating up! Riots, disasters at the harbor, and kidnapped friends are only the start of the team’s problems. Investigating the order of the Bloated Woman and its nefarious leader, Ho Fung, will be no easy task. Even occult investigation methods such as the Dreamlands may prove more dangerous than ever before. The end is drawing near though. Only one more cultist stronghold to raid…

robo_picThe finale is here! Caught in the past, the brave and slightly deranged scientists of Tesladyne must confront a genocidal AI before it rewrites history. Aiding them is Tesla himself but can the genius and Robo’s creator even the odds? It’s down to a crazed engineer who thinks he’s a robot, a genetically engineered creature, a former Nazi turned dinosaur and a somewhat reformed mad scientist. The fate of the very universe rests of their unstable shoulders! We hope you enjoyed this campaign. Red Markets begins in two weeks.

dying-earthDying Earth is a fantasy RPG based on the works of Jack Vance. Bill ran a game using the rules from the Revivification Folio. A group of travelers finds themselves trapped in a magical hotel, possibly forever, unless they can find a way out of a wizard’s contract that binds them there. Witty banter, intrigue, and skulduggery are to follow!

The Revivification Folio rules get players started within minutes. They set aside the extended, decision-heavy character generation of the original version for a system based on the random distribution of cards, which together take the place of a conventional character sheet. Players step more readily outside their established comfort zones when you can get them playing right away. When they spend less time creating their characters, they’re more open to seeing them meet the ironic comeuppances the game so often demands.


hi_pce_37196915_pce-229The campaign goes full circle! Only a few of the original team survived from their initial investigation of a murdered priest, but after a long and harrowing journey, they have returned to the Pearl of the Orient. Now they know what the cult to the Crawling Chaos plans, at least to some degree, but can the heroes find the location of their secret lair? The occult is not the only threat – gangsters, spies, revolutionaries, and corrupt cops also pose a risk. Furthermore, the Yithians have received what they want – without their aid, the investigators are in more danger than ever. Will Shanghai swallow up our stalwart fighters of the unknown? Find out as the last chapter of Masks begins!

this-guyThe saga of the fugitive Tesladyne scientists has led to a submarine chase and now an underground base! The heroes must travel to the base, overcome its defenses, and learn what their enemy is doing with the mysterious energies locked within the facility. Majestic 12 goons, weird monsters, conspiracies within conspiracies, and possibly an undead Thomas Edison? Who knows what our brave and slightly insane heroes will face? A former Nazi dinosaur, “android” engineer, reformed mad scientist, and a Biomega creature are all that stands between us and total Armageddon!