Contracted by a former villain turned stay at home dad who needs a team of Base Raiders to silence a former minion who happens to be the size of a house. At least the payout is an undiscovered base with nothing world breaking inside, right?

Tom as Foot High Science Guy
Ross as Crate
Aaron as After Image

GMed by Greywalker/Micah Nielsen

A mysterious time traveler appears in the Underground’s market for superpowers, deep below the subways of New York City. A group of base raiders protect the traveler from assassins and find out that the future is in danger! Time to travel to the near-distant future and save the spacetime continuum. This scenario is based on ideas from a game idea workshop in this AP episode.

Aaron as After Image
Jason B as The Chosen One
Renee as Beatrice
Tom as Foot High Science Guy

A group of Base Riaders have all been approached by Vivien, a scarred woman with an intriguing tale. She claims to represent a group who have a lead on a particularly rich base. They do not have the power necessary to get particular items they want in the base, so they need their help.Will the team of freelancers be able to defeat the security of the the vault and help the group?

Arcannon – Birk
Professor White – Caleb
After Image – Aaron
Sparkles – Thad
Ross as the GM

A group of children have been chosen to participate in the greatest contest of their young lives. The Undetected Sanctuary offers magical power to any worthy competitor who can best its challenges. Cool Rat, friend of all kids, runs the contest. In a world of missing superheroes, new heroes must arise. Perhaps these kids can be the first heroes of a new generation.

Tom as Jordan Conner
Shaun as Witch Carolina
Jason B as Jebediah Armstrong
Jason A as Knight Max
Ross as the GM

Ragnarok is here! The Dwarven Destroyers bear down on your holdfast. A cult dedicated to Loki foments deadly mischief within your walls. The local seer envisions young warriors throwing off clan ties, merging with the spirits of giants to save their holdfast. Fight, bleed, sacrifice, and save your people for as long as you can. The game’s creator, Tracy Barnett, ran a one shot for Caleb, a few RPPR fans, and I at Origins 2018. Enjoy!

If you like the game, check out its Kickstarter.