When is a threat to the world not a threat? The prophecies speak of a paradoxical threat, the thing that is but is not. Alecto, a member of a secret society is tasked with solving the riddle, armed with only one lead: James Edgerton, a missing writer. She enlists two brothers with experience in dealing with unnatural and impossible threats. They soon discover some threats exist beyond the walls of sanity, beyond the realms of comprehension. Dare they cross the threshold to confront the thing that cannot and yet must be? Perhaps some stories are best left untold but how can you know unless you listen?

Tom as Hugh Vogel, the Monstrous
Baz as Colin Johnson, the Spell-Slinger
Lydia as Alecto, the Initiate

Our heroes take a job to raid the lair of the Accelerator cult! The Cointract lawyers want the cultists taken out and while they have a mercenary team to do the job, it can’t hurt to get some backup from a cat girl, cyborg, and a canny survivor. Will that be enough?

Get more info about the Cointract Island campaign setting by joining the RPPR Patreon! You can see artwork, get early access to future episodes, and discuss the game on our exclusive patron-only Discord server!

Bridget as Felicia, cat girl bartender
Lydia as Aava Amaranth, cyborg hacker
Fae as ‘Emily);Drop Table;– (AKA Indy), a scrappy scavenger

A new prophet, who calls himself Lucifer, is gathering an army out in the wastelands. The marshal of Fort Gullet views Lucifer as a threat to his own power. He arrests three desperados and gives them an offer they can’t refuse. Kill Lucifer and bring his head back to Fort Gullet for a reward or else. The three strangers head out into the Lost Frontier to seek their fortune…

Luke Stratton as R Jebediah Rutherford – Check out Luke’s podcast, The Ship of the Dead and his new game Pirate Borg!
Jason as Belium Cussy
Thad as Archibald Scrancher Dungaree

Frontier Scum is a rules-lite Acid Western roleplaying game. An auto-destructive, violent and LSD-infused take on Spaghetti Westerns, about wanted outlaws making their mark on an unreal Lost Frontier.

Check out the full art for the Accelerator cultists by clicking this link!

Chaos reigns at Cointract Island! Felicia, Indy, and Aava deal with rampaging genetically engineered creatures and bizarre masked cultists, while trying to make a buck. They find Claire, an undercover reporter who promises them a big payday if they help her retrieve her hidden satellite phone, which should be able to contact the outside world. But they’ll have to make it to the resort, which seems to be quite far from the greeting hub. Can they survive the clever packs of roaming predatory monsters?

Bridget as Felicia, cat girl bartender
Lydia as Aava Amaranth, cyborg hacker
Fae as ‘Emily);Drop Table;– (AKA Indy), a scrappy scavenger


A crime scene technician attacks his coworkers for seemingly no reason during a murder investigation. Two brothers, each attuned to the supernatural, are called in to find out what’s going. They know that the evil is centered in the badlands, a place on the outskirts of the city. It is the home of the Death Stratum, a mysterious and murderous entity. Can the brothers stop the monster before it’s too late?

If you want to read the full description of the Death Stratum, sign up for my newsletter and get it as a FREE PDF!

Tom as Hugh Vogel, the Monstrous
Baz as Colin Johnson, the Spell-Slinger