mistercorbitt_09The investigators are in Nairobi, looking into the cult of the Bloody Tongue and the missing Carlyle Expedition. Before they can enlist the aid of locals, including a powerful mystic, they must prove themselves by stopping a potential agent of the Crawling Chaos, Mr. Corbitt and any other cultists in the city. Corbitt owns a mansion connected to evil, but what lurks in the basement will horrify even the most jaded of investigators. Can the team purge the evil hiding in the darkness?

mombasaThe team bypasses Cairo altogether to head straight for the source! Many clues point to Kenya as the possible epicenter of the conspiracy. The Carlyle Expedition did disappear there, after all. Before the investigators can pick up the trail in Nairobi, they must first pass through the port city of Mombasa. The cults of the Crawling Chaos are now on the lookout for them, so travel will be more difficult. What strategy will they use to defeat the cultists? What other dangers lie in wait for them? Find out as the Kenya chapter begins!

chaosium_werewolf_by_stoudaa-d7r212oThe investigators decide to leave London for a spell and investigate a lead in the English countryside. Jackson Elias looked into strange deaths on the moors. The authorities believe the deaths to be simple animal killings, but no mere animal could inflict this kind of carnage. The Vane family, a minor aristocratic clan that lives in a castle, may somehow be connected to the case. You know what they say about exploring the moors at night, but what investigator can stay away?

Call_of_Cthulhu_by_Lord_NyarlathotepThe investigators have learned quite a bit about the cultists in London, but the cultists have learned about the investigators as well. Now the team must figure out a way to fight back without being overwhelmed by the sheer number of fanatical assassins and sorcerers pitted against them. Enlisting friends as allies in the investigation entails its own risks and one can only defy luck for so long. Mystical artifacts, cunning plans, and a deadly battle in the streets of London are only a prelude for the battles to come!

londonAfter surviving the deadly paintings of Miles Shipley and his even more dangerous mother, the investigators have begun to glimpse the sheer scale of the plan of the cultists. Now they just have to find them. Their next target, the Penhew Foundation, is apparently a legitimate research organization, but what secrets does it current leader, Edward Gavigan hold? Who else is connected to the Foundation? As the investigation continues, our heroes discover that their foes are more active than the cultists in New York. For every action, there is an equal and deadly reaction by insane cultists, after all.